Grupo de Ciencias Planetarias

Planetary Science Group

U.N.S.J - San Juan - Argentina

Catalogue of mean orbital elements of asteroids close to exterior MMRs with Mars in the Hungaria group

The mean orbital elements in this catalogue were calculated by an average of the value of each one during the 2 Myr of our simulations. Such large integration time allows to consider the secular influence of the other planets, specially Jupiter. Our results show a good agreement with a control sample which has known synthetic proper elements, so our mean orbital elements can be used as a first approximation to proper elements.

The catalogue is divided in two parts:

  • 2:3 MMR: Follow This link. Please make reference to: Correa-Otto et al. (2021) Dynamical classification of the asteroids in the Hungaria group: The objects affected by the exterior mean-motion resonance 2:3 with Mars. DOI:
  • 3:4, 5:7,7:10 and 8:11 MMRs Follow This link. Please make reference to: Correa-Otto et al. (2022) Dynamical classiffication of the asteroids in the Hungaria group II: The objects affected by the exterior mean-motion resonances 3:4, 5:7, 7:10 and 8:11 with Mars. DOI:



last modification: May 2022